Upside of Eating Fat

Yes, you can eat fat.

New research has turned this nutritional nemesis into a must-eat. Think you have to go low fat? Not anymore!

For decades, fat got a bad reputation because scientists assumed, based on the misinterpretation of a couple of large studies, that eating foods containing fat would lead directly to obesity and heart disease. That fatty foods were made out to be our dietary vice, responsible for raising our cholesterol levels, clogging our arteries, and getting us fat. That gets to us thinking that the fat we consume wind up as the fat that we see on our butt and things.

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Robert Kennedy, publisher of Oxygen, MuscleMag, dies of cancer at 73

The man behind the Ontario-based publishing house that produces a slew of popular health books and fitness magazines, including Oxygen and MuscleMag, has died.

Robert “Bob” Kennedy, who founded Robert Kennedy Publishing, died of complications from cancer on Thursday night at his home in Caledon Hills, Ont., north of Toronto. He was 73.

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